GrumpyPandaz is a collection of 4,200 unique Panda NFTs that inhabit a vast metaverse. These adorable yet powerful creatures are grumpy and distressed by the real world. The GrumpyPandaz collection was initially launched in January 2022. Despite the previous team’s failures and subsequent abandonment, a strong community bond led to the creation of a new project, PolarBearz NFT, in February 2022, and the takeover and relaunch of GrumpyPandaz in April 2022.
In a further initiative to reward our dedicated community and enrich the GrumpyPandaz experience, we have entered into a partnership with Hodlperks. This innovative platform aspires to a future where every NFT can unlock additional utilities beyond the ordinary. As a result, GrumpyPandaz holders are granted exclusive access to claim diverse and sustainable perks in both digital and real-world environments.
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